NEWLY RELEASED! President Beebe's Latest Book

The Crucibles That Shape Us
Navigating the defining challenges of leadership.

The Crucibles that Shape Us: Why I Wrote Crucibles?

Westmont College President Gayle D. Beebe explains why he wrote the book, "The Crucibles that Shape Us: Navigating the Defining Challenges of Leadership."

The Crucibles that Shape Us: Three Questions I Often Think Of

Westmont College President Gayle D. Beebe often thinks of three soul-shaping questions: Do I accurately see and understand what's happening to me? What is happening inside of me? What is happening because of me?

In his book, "The Crucibles that Shape Us: Navigating the Defining Challenges of Leadership," Beebe says answering these questions help us think deeply about the crucibles challenging us and help us better respond to our trials, develop our character and our leadership, and grow closer to God throughout the process. Keep them in mind as you read about each of the seven crucibles.

The Crucibles that Shape Us: Book Outcomes

Westmont College President Gayle D. Beebe says he hopes the book gives readers a framework of meaning in which they can understand their own life. "We often overlook so many experiences of our everyday life that offer us an opportunity to identify deeper understanding and a better response as we navigate the defining challenges of life and leadership," he says in  his book, "The Crucibles that Shape Us: Navigating the Defining Challenges of Leadership."

President Beebe is featured in the Higher Education Digest's Most Visionary Education Leaders 2023.

A Presidential Journey in Pursuit of Excellence 

In the realm of higher education, Gayle D. Beebe’s legacy at Westmont College inspires respect. With a career spanning over three decades, Beebe has emerged as a true leader in higher education. Currently at the helm of Westmont College in picturesque Santa Barbara, California, since 2007, Beebe's journey to this prestigious position is marked by a rich tapestry of experiences and achievements. Read the full feature here.


Other Publications

An active scholar, Beebe has published numerous articles and edited several publications, including: “The Shaping of an Effective Leader: Eight Formative Principles of Leadership” (InterVarsity Press, 2011). He co-authored “Longing for God: Seven Paths of Christian Devotion” with Richard Foster (InterVarsity Press, 2009), and he spent five years working with Foster, Dallas Willard, Lynda Graybeal and Thomas Oden to produce the acclaimed Life with God Bible (Harper, 2005).

Shaping of an Effective Leader

The Shaping of an Effective Leader: Eight Formative Principles of Leadership

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Longing for God: Seven Paths of Christian Devotion

Longing for God: Seven Paths of Christian Devotion

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Life with God Bible

Life with God Bible

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Saturdays at Seven

In the twelfth episode of the “Saturdays at Seven” conversation series, Todd Ream, Publisher for Christian Scholar's Review talks with President Beebe, about how his approach to leadership emerged over time along with how leading a community through crises impacted it. They talk about the unique opportunities and challenges that come with leading a Christian liberal arts college in California and how Gayle and his colleagues have fostered a host of third way solutions. They then close by talking about the unique contributions the Christian liberal arts college and the Church make to one another and about the mutually reinforcing benefits of their vibrancy.

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InterVarsity PRESS

At The Crossroads of Faith and Work

In this insightful conversation, six IVP authors with new books about the intersection of faith and work share their insights on the benefits of bringing both elements of life together, regardless of your vocation, all for the glory of God.

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Career in Brief

1980 | Consortium Student, Westmont College
1981 | B.A., Liberal Arts, George Fox University
1985 | M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
1985 - 1990 | Senior Pastor, Sherwood Community Friends Church, Sherwood, Ore.
1990 - 1992 | Pastor of Adult Ministries, Rose Drive Friends Church, Yorba Linda, Calif.
1992 - 2000 | Professor, Pastoral Theology, Haggard School of Theology, Azusa Pacific University
1994 - 1996 | Interim Pastor, Glendora Friends Church, Glendora, Calif.
1994 | M.B.A., Strategic Management, Drucker School, Claremont Graduate University
1995 | M.A., Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Claremont Graduate University
1996 - 1998 | Chair, Department of Ministry, Haggard School of Theology, Azusa Pacific University
1997 | Ph.D., Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Claremont Graduate University
1998 - 2000 | Dean, Haggard School of Theology, Azusa Pacific University
2000 - 2007 | President, Spring Arbor University
2007 - Present | President, Westmont College

Winter 2024

President's Briefing

What a joy to welcome the spring semester! We’re thankful for strong enrollment and a full campus. Students got right to work, attending classes and preparing for events such as the short operas “The Telephone” and “Gallantry” January 19 and 21 and the Women’s Leadership Luncheon January 19...


Executive Team

presidential executive team

Meet Your Team

Westmont Magazine

President's Reflections

Reflections from President Beebe in the Westmont Magazine.


Compelling Conversations

President Gayle D. Beebe at Westmont College launched a podcast in 2020, Compelling Conversations, to engage thoughtful scholars, grateful servants and faithful leaders in discussions exploring the significant issues of our time.